Snapshot Showcase: September 2023 in Pictures

Sep­tem­ber 2023 was one of the warmest and most pleas­ant Sep­tem­bers I’ve expe­ri­enced in south­ern Ontario. Was it a fluke or a sign of cli­mate change? I’ll leave that debate to cli­mate sci­en­tists. It’s always hard say­ing farewell to our short Cana­di­an sum­mers. As some­one who spends more than half the year wear­ing a coat, these small incur­sions of warmth into tra­di­tion­al­ly cool­er months are appre­ci­at­ed. We wel­comed it even more because Lily had resigned from her job at the end of August and had the entire month to relax, decom­press, and con­sid­er her future.

My friend Josef invit­ed us to his fam­i­ly cot­tage on Lake Healy for the Labour Day long week­end. I’ve known Josef and Aaron since our days at Ryer­son Uni­ver­si­ty’s film stud­ies pro­gram. (So sor­ry, I will nev­er call Ryer­son by its present name).

After the long week­end and say­ing good­bye to our friends, we spent sev­er­al days with my par­ents in their home on Lake Sim­coe. It was a pleas­ant mini-vaca­tion with­out spend­ing mon­ey on flights and hotels.

We also vis­it­ed and spent time with oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers.

We went on many walks and bike rides and vis­it­ed places we’ve sel­dom been to or seen.

For our 14th anniver­sary, Lily and I role­played tourists.

I host­ed a pho­towalk on the last day of Sep­tem­ber. We explored the Beach­es, the R.C. Har­ris Water Treat­ment Plant, and the Ash­bridges Bay Yacht Club.


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