Snapshot Showcase: Best of 2023

It’s embar­rass­ing to admit that I’m a lazy pro­cras­ti­na­tor regard­ing per­son­al goals and endeav­ours. I’ve strug­gled with this aspect of myself since high school. This is espe­cial­ly true regard­ing men­tal efforts and intel­lec­tu­al pur­suits such as writ­ing (blog posts, essays, scripts, etc.), doing tax­es (🤢), plan­ning trips, etc. After describ­ing these qual­i­ties to an AI chat­bot, it con­clud­ed that I have “cere­bral aver­sion.” It’s an apt phrase that sounds offi­cial but isn’t rec­og­nized by any author­i­ty. My point is that I’m lazy doing tasks that ben­e­fit me; how­ev­er, I’m strict at com­plet­ing work owed to others—I’m depend­able.

With that out of the way, I’d like to present my favourite pho­tos of 2023. Enjoy!


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