About Me

Hi, I’m Paul

These pages form my space to share pho­tos and can­did accounts of my trav­els, camp­ing trips, and explo­rations. Whether it’s a remote wilder­ness or a bustling city, I cap­ture it all with a cam­era and a touch of cyn­i­cal humour.

I’ve real­ized I haven’t seen or done enough, and it’s my steady goal to change that. This blog is my way of step­ping away from social media and tak­ing con­trol of how I share my work. It’s about more than just beau­ti­ful pic­tures; it’s about authen­tic expe­ri­ences, gen­uine reflec­tions, and a bit of fun along the way.

Join me as I play catchup with the world, one snap­shot at a time. Adven­ture awaits, and I invite you to join.

Pho­to by Lily Wang.